Our Partners

Nova Scotia Workers Compensation Board
Preventing workplace injuries is about more than just writing a safety policy, forming a JOHS committee or providing first aid training.

It’s about making a commitment to your employees, customers, suppliers and community to continuously work towards a healthy and safe workplace.

The Workers’ Compensation Board of Nova Scotia encourages employers to demonstrate leadership and commitment to workplace health and safety by becoming WCB Safety Certified.

A WCB Safety Certified accreditation is issued to companies who have passed an audit of their health and safety management system. The audits are conducted by audit providers approved by the WCB to conduct WCB Safety Certified audits.

WCB Safety Certified accreditation demonstrates that your business takes safety seriously. That is why some procurement processes require it. Companies who want to bid on work for the Government of Nova Scotia – particularly construction work for the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal – are required to have a passed an audit of their health and safety management system by a WCB-approved audit provider. In recent years, a number of other major companies, universities and municipalities have adopted this requirement as part of their tendering processes.

A WCB Safety Certified audit measures the effectiveness of a company's health and safety management system across 22 elements.

Occupational Health & Educational Services (2002) Inc. is a WCB Safety Certified Approved Audit Provider that provides more than just audits. They are an excellent source for various other tools to help employers improve their safety performance.

CCOHS - Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety

CCOHS is Canada's national resource for the advancement of workplace health and safety.
Health Canada Recall and Safety Alerts
The Recalls and Safety Alerts web application provides easy access to a comprehensive list of recalls, advisories, and safety alerts. This web application includes recalls from Health Canada, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, and Transport Canada.
The Nova Scotia Automobile Dealers Safety Association (NSADSA)
The Nova Scotia Automobile Dealers Safety Association (NSADSA) was formed in late 2009 following two years of deliberation, member consultation, and collaboration with the Workers’ Compensation Board of Nova Scotia and other stakeholders.

The NSADSA’s purpose is to support the establishment and continuous improvement of safe work practices in Nova Scotia’s new car automobile dealerships. The safety association provides resources and training opportunities to members in order to improve safety records, reduce accidents, lower the incidence of lost time due to injury and illness, and reduce the personal and financial cost of workplace injuries for both workers and their employers.
Occupational Health & Educational Services (2002) Inc.   -   335 Old Indian Road - MacPhees Corner, NS B0N 2H0

Phone: (902)-481-0879   -   Fax: (902)-481-0433   -   admin@ohessafetycertified.ca